NGC is proud to sponsor the First Annual Sporting Clay Shoot to benefit Concrete Cares of Nebraska. The fundraiser event starts early Friday morning November 5, 2021 in Brainard, Nebraska with various competitions, plus a lunch, banquet and prizes.
NGC is a sport station sponsor, and is sending a clay-crushing stacked team up to Oak Creek Sporting Club, composed of longtime-trained sportsmen that’ll be tough to beat. The NGC Deadeye Clay Team = Eric Neff, John Feeney, Shawn Larabee, Aaron Glass, Chris Stanford and Mitch Jones. NGC is donating fantastic high-value, sport-tech prize baskets and swag favor bags to be given away by event organizers at the shoot. Besides having a nice competition among expert shoot-letes, our ultimate mission is to fund, support and promote Concrete Cares of Nebraska.
Concrete Cares of Nebraska is a is a non-profit organization that dedicates their time to raising awareness and fundraising to help Nebraska families fighting cancer who are experiencing financial strains because of treatment costs. This first annual clay shoot event was publicized by Concrete Cares/its own organization, by lead volunteer Jereme Montgomery of Stephens & Smith and by AGC Nebraska Building Chapter.
The deadline to participate in the November 5th sport shoot benefit in Brainard is October 29, 2021. Please complete Concrete Care’s Form to sponsor or to register a clay team. You can always contribute, donate, volunteer or socially-promote online any time.
NGC is honored to be part of such a strong and an exciting movement that is making such a difference locally. Please know this about Concrete Cares of Nebraska: 96% of funds raised have gone directly to individual Nebraska families; Helping all patients with a cancer diagnosis, regardless of the type of cancer. Over $350,000.00 has been donated since 2013. Find out more about how concrete was dyed colors for awareness, how the mixer fleet trucks are branded with decals, and why the group switched from a pink ribbon to a purple ribbon. And, Jereme would like you to know how the the organization started; Read his article: The Story Behind The Name.
Please contact us regarding Sponsorships, Charities, Concrete Cares of Nebraska Clay Shoot Benefit, our Clay Team Members or to request information about serving our communities. Thank you!